ACT I Highlights

Scene 1: In the Santuario, CECILIA recounts a dream to her sister, BEATRIZ, that the Lord has visited her to urge the restoration of the "Ecce Homo” fresco. Beatriz is concerned that Cecilia has neither the earthly permission, skill, nor eyesight to successfully fulfill His request. Eavesdropping, the ghost of ARTIST MARTÍNEZ, the fresco’s original artist, makes himself known.

Scene 2: The town’s mayor, ALCALDE, addresses the townspeople about the economic crisis gripping their community and the need to bolster tourism. Cecilia’s son, MARCOS, informs the gathering that he will commission the restoration of the "Ecce Homo” fresco as an anniversary gift to his wife, Adriana, whose grandfather, the Artist Martinez, was its original artist. Alcalde latches onto the idea that a restored fresco will make a great tourist attraction, though he finds little support from his constituents. Marcos gives the old priest, CURA VIEJO, the money to pay for its restoration.

Scene 3: On his way to the Santuario, Cura Viejo reveals the fresco has little artistic value and that he may cut corners in his selection of a restorer. Cecilia tells him of her dream and volunteers for the job. Cura Viejo makes her swear that if she proceeds, she must never divulge it was she who did the work.

Scene 4: In the plaza, Marcos laments the state of the economy, foreshadowing the demise of his struggling hotel. He's cowed by his inability to repay his mother for the start-up cash she loaned him for this enterprise.

Scene 5: Artist Martinez introduces the audience to his hat shop and reminisces about the carefree holidays he once enjoyed in Borja. The young lovers, SILVIA and ARTURO, who now manage the shop, rue their career prospects amidst the Great Recession. Marcos’ wife, the town’s diva, ADRIANA, makes her grand entrance, divulging that she’s been recently diagnosed with “Affluenza,” the disease of having too much money. Marcos tells her of his anniversary gift. And while she’s nonplussed, she is adamant that the restoration must not be the work of his mother.

Scene 6: Suffering a crisis of confidence, Cecilia begins the restoration of the fresco as a fearful Artist Martinez looks on. At the curtain, the “Ecce Homo" is undergoing a great transformation.




Scene 1: Having heard rumors that the fresco's been defaced, the townspeople gather in the Santuario to find "Ecce Homo” draped and guarded by Cura Viejo. In the hubbub, Arturo slips off the veil to reveal the botched restoration. A mob forms to search for Cecilia, the suspected perpetrator, while Arturo and Silvia take selfies and post them to Facebook. The first wave of tourists arrive.

Scene 2: Alone in the church, the “Ecce Homo,” now inhabited and animated by the spirit of Artist Martinez, expresses to Cecilia his disappointment with her restoration. Cura Viejo bursts in to remind her of the oath of secrecy she has sworn. But when her son Marcos discovers her in the Santuario she immediately confesses to the crime.

Scene 3: As waves of tourists storm the church in search of Cecilia’s “Potato Head Jesus” that they’ve seen online, the town is rocked by its sudden infamy. Taking the lead, Arturo suggests they make the best of a bad situation by transforming the "Ecce Homo" into a marketable brand. A plan is hatched.

Scene 4: Still animated by the spirit of Artist Martinez, “Ecce Homo" asks, "What is goodness? What does it mean to be truly righteous?" Sparks fly between Marcos and Adriana as they contend with the havoc created by his mother’s restoration. And in the Santuario, Cura Viejo confesses to Cecilia that the money he was given for the job went to another cause.

Scene 5: As memes dominate the Internet, tourists and townspeople party in the streets celebrating the arrival of the fresco merchandise. Cecilia finally shows herself in public to deliver her mea culpa. Adriana crashes the party with a demand for a cut of the action, while Alcalde comes to the rescue with a plan for profit-sharing. Marcos and his mother are reunited.

Scene 6: In the final scene, Artist Martínez, now dressed for traveling, casts off his earthly bonds and moves on as Cecilia encourages her neighbors to embrace the mystery of the town’s miracle.